Monday, October 14, 2013

Pancha-mukhi Rudraksha, Shat-mukhi Rudraksha

Pancha-mukhi Rudraksha: 
Represents the form of Shiva termed as 'kala-agni-rudra'. Symbolizes Pancheswar or Panchmukhi Shiva. It is also associated with the five Pandavas and the fife Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. Five Mukhi Rudraksha controls the five elements in the body of the wearer, therefore kills all diseases related to these elements. This Rudraksha delivers all liberation and fulfills all wishes. Wearing a garland of small beads of panch mukhi or drinking water in which panch mukhi is soaked are deemed highly effective for curing Heart Diseases, Blood Pressure or Mental Imbalance. Five Mukhi Rudraksha is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu (saint) and Grihasta (family man). Wearing panch mukhi is instrumental in attaining a long and peaceful life. It is a highly effective kind, bestowing prosperity. The wearer of this Rudraksha gains health and peace.
Symbol of         : Lord Shiva (Kala-Agni Rudra) 
Ruling Planet : Jupiter 
Mantra         : Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, diseases of fat and Diabetes. 

Shat-mukhi Rudraksha: 
It is very dear to Lord Karttikeya (Lord Shiva’s second son) and is the source of his energy. This Rudraksha has to be worn on the right hand. Even goddess Parvati has graced six mukhi Rudraksha with her eternal blessings. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge, increases confidence and will power and helps maintain Brahmacharya (Celibacy). Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. Wearing this kind can help one attain Control over anger, greediness and improper thoughts. It enhances concentration, mental sharpness, will power, sexual harmony, self-confidence, self-esteem and personality. It blesses the wearer with the key to success, glory, fame, physical strength, luxury, wisdom, wealth, name, power, blissful marital life, family harmony, charismatic personality, prosperity, good career prospect and positive perspectives towards life. 
Symbol of         : Lord Kartikeya 
Ruling Planet : Venus (Shukra). 
Mantra         : Om Hrim Hum Namaha 
Recommended for: Eyes, Reproductive Organs, Urinary Tract, Prostate, Mouth and Throat. 

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