Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Successful Seminar 27 Oct. 2013

Our Successful Done, Seminar on Maha Laxmi Poojan at Hotel Ashish, Near Shalimar Complex, Ajmer Road, Jaipur, on 27 Oct. 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

कैसे हो सुखी सम्पन एवं वैभवशाली

कैसे हो सुखी सम्पन एवं वैभवशाली :- महालक्ष्मी पूजन का महत्व, शास्त्रानुसार पूजन विधि एवं विशेष उपायों, मंत्रों एवं सामग्री का प्रयोग हेतु 3 घंटे का प्रशिक्षण 

10 Seats Available Only ,Please Collect your Sheet Pass

Hotel Ashish, Near Sangam Tower, Jaipur

    • 2:00pm until 5:00pm

Monday, October 21, 2013

महालक्ष्मी महोत्सव क्यों और कैसे

कैसे हो सुखी सम्पन एवं वैभवशाली :- महालक्ष्मी पूजन का महत्व, शास्त्रानुसार पूजन विधि एवं विशेष 

उपायों, मंत्रों एवं सामग्री का प्रयोग हेतु 3 घंटे का प्रशिक्षण 

महालक्ष्मी महोत्सव क्यों और कैसे 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Shubh Diwali Poojan Seminar : सेमीनार : महालक्ष्मी पूजन , लक्ष्मी साधना एवं कुबेर साधना

Shubh Diwali Poojan Seminar :  सेमीनार : महालक्ष्मी पूजन , लक्ष्मी साधना एवं कुबेर साधना

  • Hotel Ashish, Near Sangam Tower, Jaipur
  • कैसे हो सुखी सम्पन एवं वैभवशाली :- महालक्ष्मी पूजन का महत्व, शास्त्रानुसार पूजन विधि एवं विशेष उपायों, मंत्रों एवं सामग्री का प्रयोग हेतु 3 घंटे का प्रशिक्षण

    दीवाली के दिन की विशेषता लक्ष्मी जी के पूजन से संबन्धित है. इस दिन हर घर, परिवार, कार्यालय में लक्ष्मी जी के पूजन के रुप में उनका स्वागत किया जाता है. दीवाली के दिन जहां गृहस्थ और वाणिज्य वर्ग के लोग धन की देवी लक्ष्मी से समृद्धि और वित्तकोष की कामना करते हैं

    42 Seats Available Only ,Please Collect your Sheet Pass

Nava-Mukhi Rudraksh, Dasha-Mukhi Rudraksha

Nava-Mukhi Rudraksha:
Rudraksha with nine faces is said to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni. Its Adhisthatri deity is Godess Durga, the devi who takes nine forms called 'Navdurga', who had nine incarnations and came to the earth nine times to protect pious and defeat the impious. This Rudraksha is considered to possess nine kinds of different powers given by the nine deities called Nava-durga - and is a very powerful kind. It should be worn with respect on the left hand. By wearing this rudrakhsa a person becomes fearless and self confident. There is no doubt the person who wears it will come the level of the demigods. The wearer is blessed with energy, power, dynamism and fearlessness. Persons who lack self-confidence and suffering from Depression should wear this Rudraksha. Good for Reducing Physical Illness and Common Tiredness. 
Symbol of         : Goddess Durga
Ruling Planet : Ketu (south Lunar node)
Mantra        : Om Hrim Hum Namaha 
Recommended for: Lung diseases, fever, eye pain, bowel pain , skin disease, body pain.

Dasha-Mukhi Rudraksha: 
Symbolizes 'Janardana', the form of Lord Vishnu (the Lord of Preservation) and is also believed to represent Dasha-avatar meaning the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parasuram, Ramachandra, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki happily reside on ten-face rudraksha. In Shiva Purana there is a detailed account of how everyone irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality and gender can use ten mukhi Rudraksha for attaining fame and success in career. Srimad Devi Bhagavatam is full of praises on the ten mukhi Rudraksha for its divine contribution in rescuing mankind from worldly sufferings, miseries, misfortunes, evil power and adverse planetary effects. This Rudraksha is also considered highly effective in social services, arts and crafts. Helps maintain sound Mental Fitness. One who wears this has his worldly and eternal wishes fulfilled by the blessings of Lord Mahavishnu. Excellent for Vishnu bhaktas (devotees). Also aids in devotion and meditation. Ten Mukhi Rudraksha is Vishnu and removes all the tears and troubles due from bad planets, evil powers and snakes. 
Symbol of         : Lord Vishnu
Ruling Planet : No ruling planet
Mantra        : Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Pacifying all the bad planets. 

Sapta-Mukhi Rudraksha, Ashta-Mukhi Rudraksha

Sapta-Mukhi Rudraksha: 
Seven faced rudraksha is saptamatradhi Daivat, saptashyadevat and saptamuni Daivat. It symbolizes the seven divine mothers, the seven gods and the seven Rishis (sages). The seven divine mothers are called Saptamatrikas; the seven great sages (stars) are called Saptarishis; and the seven gods are called Saptadevatas. This Rudraksha represents the Goddess Mahalakshmi (the goddess of wealth). The Goddess showers plenty of wealth, when invoked. It is said that this is not to be worn on the body, but instead kept in the cash box. It releases a man from poverty and miseries. Wearing seven mukhi rudraksha brings success, name & fame and a highly vibrant personality. This Rudraksha is also popularly known as Anang Shiva or Anangswarup and is associated with Kamadeva. Those wearing seven mukhi are usually found to be highly attractive in their circle. It also helps in attaining attracting power. According to Padma-purana the seven divine snakes Saptanagas live in seven faces of the seven mukhi rudraksha namely: Vasuki, Takshaka, Karkotaka, Padmaka, Sankhapala, Gulika, Kaliya. Lord Shankar becomes pleased by the wearer of seven mukhi rudraksha the way he is pleased by Nagaraja.
Symbol of : Mahalakshmi 
Ruling Planet : Saturn (Shani)
Mantras        : Om Maha-lakshmi Namah, Om Hum Namah
Recommended for : Weakness, colic pain, handicapness, pain in bone and muscles, paralysis, long term disease, impotency, worries and hopelessness.

Ashta-Mukhi Rudraksha: 
Eight faced Rudraksha is the form of Asthamurthi Bhairav and represents Lord Ganesha, the God of Prosperity and good fortune (Lord Shiva’s first son). This Rudraksha has eight linings displayed on its surface. It helps effectively in starting of a venture or a project or any devotional activities or even in re-launching of loss making ventures. Good for business & Prosperity. It is coupled with numerous gains leading to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It affects the spread of your name abroad and brings the winning power in oneself. One is also believed to receive wealth from unforeseen sources and brings prosperity in business. It keeps one away from unpredictable accident, misfortunes, obstacles and miseries. It is considered to bring peace in home life and deemed well for starting anything in good faith. 
Symbol of : Lord Ganesha 
Ruling Planet : Rahu (north Lunar node).
Mantra        : Om Ganeshaya Namah, 
Recommended for : Lung, feet, skin and eye catarrhisis, hydrocel, airtracia.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Pancha-mukhi Rudraksha, Shat-mukhi Rudraksha

Pancha-mukhi Rudraksha: 
Represents the form of Shiva termed as 'kala-agni-rudra'. Symbolizes Pancheswar or Panchmukhi Shiva. It is also associated with the five Pandavas and the fife Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. Five Mukhi Rudraksha controls the five elements in the body of the wearer, therefore kills all diseases related to these elements. This Rudraksha delivers all liberation and fulfills all wishes. Wearing a garland of small beads of panch mukhi or drinking water in which panch mukhi is soaked are deemed highly effective for curing Heart Diseases, Blood Pressure or Mental Imbalance. Five Mukhi Rudraksha is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu (saint) and Grihasta (family man). Wearing panch mukhi is instrumental in attaining a long and peaceful life. It is a highly effective kind, bestowing prosperity. The wearer of this Rudraksha gains health and peace.
Symbol of         : Lord Shiva (Kala-Agni Rudra) 
Ruling Planet : Jupiter 
Mantra         : Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, diseases of fat and Diabetes. 

Shat-mukhi Rudraksha: 
It is very dear to Lord Karttikeya (Lord Shiva’s second son) and is the source of his energy. This Rudraksha has to be worn on the right hand. Even goddess Parvati has graced six mukhi Rudraksha with her eternal blessings. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge, increases confidence and will power and helps maintain Brahmacharya (Celibacy). Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. Wearing this kind can help one attain Control over anger, greediness and improper thoughts. It enhances concentration, mental sharpness, will power, sexual harmony, self-confidence, self-esteem and personality. It blesses the wearer with the key to success, glory, fame, physical strength, luxury, wisdom, wealth, name, power, blissful marital life, family harmony, charismatic personality, prosperity, good career prospect and positive perspectives towards life. 
Symbol of         : Lord Kartikeya 
Ruling Planet : Venus (Shukra). 
Mantra         : Om Hrim Hum Namaha 
Recommended for: Eyes, Reproductive Organs, Urinary Tract, Prostate, Mouth and Throat. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tri-mukhi Rudraksha, Chatur-mukhi Rudraksha

Tri-mukhi Rudraksha: 
The Rudraksha with three faces is the symbol of the Three Devatas i.e. (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha) and is very powerful like the Firegod Himself. The person who wears this Rudraksha will always get the blessings of the three devas accompanied by the three powers, manifesting as the fire-god Agni. The way fire consumes everything and still remains pure, the wearer too gets free from all sins or wrongs of his life and returns to purity when blessed. The sins earned in past births of him, on whom it remains, are burnt as fire burns fuel. He who wears a Rudraksha of three faces on his body, will have past sins burned to ashes and gets purified in his mind and soul. He will not be overcome with disease, miseries and sorrow. Three faced Rudraksha directly delivers the fruits of sadhana. All education is distinguished by its effect. The wearer of this Rudraksha get success in all of his works. 
Symbol of         : Agni, God of Fire 
Ruling Planet : Mars 
Mantras : Om Klim Namah, Om Namah Shivaya
Recommended for: Blood defect, plague, small pox, digestive problems, blood pressure, weakness,  disturbed menstrual cycle, spontaneous abortion and ulcer. 

Chatur-mukhi Rudraksha: 
Symbolizes Lord Brahma (the God of Creation) and is worshipped as the symbol of Chaturanan (the one with 4 faces / heads). The wearer of this Rudraksha will gain the four aims of Human Life, called 'dharma-artha-kama-moksha' i.e. Virtue, Wealth, Pleasure and Emancipation. Visually, four linings from head to bottom are observed on four mukhi Rudraksha at equal distance. This signifies the four facets of Brahma leading to humanitys eternal quest for knowledge, meaning, action or fate and freedom. It increases confidence and devotional power and is good for meditation and yoga. If a person wears it on neck or arm, s/he can attain enormous benefits. 
Symbol of         : Lord Brahma 
Ruling Planet : Mercury 
Mantra : Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Mental disease, paralysis, arthritis, yellow fever, and nasal disease.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Eka-mukhi (One Face) Rudraksha, Dvi-mukhi (Two Faces) Rudraksha

Eka-mukhi (One Face) Rudraksha: 
Single faced Rudraksha is Shiva himself, which provides the fruits of salvation and liberation. Only its glimpse will already rectify brahma-hatya (the killing of a Brahmana). This Rudraksha is considered to be the king of all Rudraksha and represents Pure Consciousness. It improves the concentration and mental constitution of the wearer. Generally it comes in the shape of cashew nut or half moon. A round Eka-Mukhi (Gol-Dhana Rudraksha) is very rare. The wearer gains both, luxuries and Moksha (salvation). He lives a royal life and enjoys all the comforts at his command, still remaining unattached. Good social and financial status and positive worldly perspectives are bestowed upon wearing one mukhi Rudraksha. 
Symbol of         : Lord Shiva 
Ruling Planet : Sun 
Mantras         : Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hrim Namaha
Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease, Blood Pressur and Right Eye Defect.

Dvi-mukhi (Two Faces) Rudraksha: 
This is the form of Devdeveshwar and symbolizes the unite form of Shiva and Parvati, also commonly known as Ardhnareshwar. It harbors immense mystical power. Vedic scriptures boast about the belief that two mukhi Rudraksha carries the entire evolution of cosmos within and thus it is a special blessing to mankind. Two natural lines or faces are found on two mukhi Rudraksha which is its key identification. It comes in oval shape. The use of two-mukhi Rudraksha beads fastened on a red thread activates its immense power for reaping maximum benefits. Those who wear it, are believed to have immense fame, it denotes trustworthiness and devotion, it reflects efficiently on married life of a couple. Good for Mental Peace and Pregnancy. 
Symbol of         : Ardhanarishwara 
Ruling Planet : Moon 
Mantra         : Om Shiva Shakti Namaha
Recommended for: Left Eye Defect, Diseases of Heart, Lung, Brain, Kidney and Intestine.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Here are some of the many Rudraksha varieties

here are some of the many rudraksha varieties

यहाँ कई रूद्राक्ष किस्मों में से कुछ हैं

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Rudraksha Tree and Seeds

The Rudraksha Tree and Seeds

"Rudra" is a name of Lord Shiva whereas "Aksha" means tears.

"Rudra" is a name of Lord Shiva whereas "Aksha" means tears.
       The word Rudraksha has its etymological beginnings in the two Sanskrit words "Rudra" and "Aksha" meaning Lord Shiva and Teardrops respectively. According to "Shiva Purana", Lord Shiva once went into deep meditation for the well being of all living creatures. When he woke up, he opened his eyes and tear drops fell on the Earth. These tear drops took the form of seeds that later on became the Rudraksha tree. Rudraksha therefore means 'The Tear of Lord Shiva'. The dry seed-capsules from the Rudraksha tree form the rudraksha beads, which are being used as a rosary and are also worn as a chain.
       Lord Shiva is always portrayed wearing rosaries of Rudraksha beads on his head, arms and hands. With this came the religious and spiritual significance of Rudraksha. It is believed that the seed of Rudraksha contains the secrets of the entire evolution of the cosmos within it. The sages and yogis of the himalayas, who live according to the Eternal Natural Law of Sanatana Dharma, have always been wearing Rudraksha for centuries for a fearless life on their path to spiritual Enlightenment and Liberation.
       Devotees dedicated to Lord Shiva always wear Rudraksha as rosaries which are used in meditation; it helps to maintain good health, to gain self-empowerment and a fearless life. Rudraksha are noted for their divine protection and are worn on the body singly or as chains (Mala).
       Botanically, the holy rudraksha tree is known as 'Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb' and belongs to the family Tiliaceae, a large evergreen broad-leaved tree with a wide crown. Altitude-wise, its habitat starts from sea-coast and goes up to 2,000 meters. Geographically it is found growing naturally and abundantly in tropical and subtropical areas. The trees are perennial in habitat. The trees are almost 15 to 60 meter in height. This tree grows fast and carries these seeds/fruits within seven years. These trees are mostly found in abundance in Nepal, in the Himalayan slopes and also in parts of India, Indonesia and Malaysia. Its English name is Utrasum Bead Tree. In Indonesia the Rudraksha Tree is called Ganitri Tree or Jenitri Tree. Around 70% of the Rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India.
       Rudraksha beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. Rudraksha beads are covered by an outer shell of blue color on fully ripening, so they are also called blueberry beads and the sweet tasting fruitflesh can be used for treatment of various diseases. It is kept in water for a number of days and then Rudraksha is taken out after peeling off the pulp and brushing it clean.
       Rudraksha is a rare gift of nature to mankind in the sense, that most beads come with a natural hole drilled in the centre, as if nature intended man to use the rudraksha bead to form a chain. Such rudraksha beads are considered especially auspicious. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between earth and heaven, between man and god. Hence Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also a source to reach the higher self.
       Each seed also possesses from 1 to 38 vertical lines running down its surface, like the longitude lines on a globe. These lines are known as mukhi, or faces, and are natural formations of the seed. Seeds with one vertical line are known as Eka-mukhi (one facet), which are very rare; those with two lines are Dvi-mukhi (two facets), and so on. Each bead has different effects on the wearer, depending on the number of mukhi or faces it has. Each of the many types of Rudraksha Beads have a governing Deity and specific powers and properties.
       As per the Vedic scriptures, Rudraksha beads possess mystical and divine properties and can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. They offer protection to the wearer. No other bead is considered to be as auspicious and powerful as a Rudraksha.
       The unique properties and divine powers of Rudraksha have been described in the authentic Shastras like the Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad, Padma Purana, Shiva Purana, Devi Purana and Bhagavat Purana. The benefits of this miraculous bead have been flowing to the users/ wearers from time immemorial. Rudraksha, is the most powerful and awesome bead ever, offering protection to its wearer. This bead can help you achieve all you want - a healthy mind, body and soul, a wealthy life that many dream of and only some achieve, and a happy soul.
       Rudraksha comes in many sizes and faces also called "mukhi" meaning "the clefts or furrows or faces on the surface". According to Shastra (Scripture) there are up to 38 mukhi or faces found on Rudraksha, but Rudraksha of 1 to 14 mukhi are the most commonly available ones. And 5 or 6 are the vast majority.
       95% of the Rudraksha found are with 5 mukhi. It is very rough, hard and tough and can be boiled in hot water for hours without problem. This procedure is sometimes used for testing rare and expensive Rudraksha from the Market for it's genuineness. To verify the authenticity of the numbers of mukhi, an x-ray photo can be taken as well.
       Each mukhi Rudraksha has unique properties and provides various scientific, medical and spiritual benefits.
       Rudraksha comes in four basic shades: white, red, brown and black. The different colours relate to the social/ religious order of Varna-Ashrama-Dharma. White= for brahmana, red=for kshatriya, brown= for vaishya, black= for shudra.